Ragne Slaatten Modigh


  • Fysioterapeut og Pilatesinstruktør
  • BSc (HONS) Physiotherapy Coventry University, England
  • Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction, Pilates International, Perth, Australia
  • Sertifisert Barre Attack instruktør

Ragne har jobbet som fysioterapeut siden 2000 og da hun startet med Pilates et par år senere var hun hektet. Det er en perfekt kombinasjon! Hun elsker hvordan Pilates kan brukes på så mange måter, enten det er som en ren treningsform, opptrening etter skade eller som et supplement for å fremme en idrettsutøver. De positive effektene av Pilates har hun selv sett, og kjent på egen kropp.

Pilatesreisen nådde en entusiastisk topp den tiden hun jobbet for Pilates Fitness Institute i Perth, Australia. Her tok hun en videreutdannelse i Pilatesmetoden og var del av staben på det fremste Pilatesstudioet i Perth. Mange fine erfaringer å ta med seg hjem til Sandefjord!


  • Physiotherapist and Pilates Instructor
  • BSc (HONS) Physiotherapy Coventry University, England
  • Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction, Pilates International, Perth, Australia
  • Certified Barre Attack instructor

Ragne has worked as a Physiotherapist since 2000 and when she started doing Pilates only a couple of years later, she was hooked. It really is the perfect combination! She loves the diversity of Pilates: as a rehabilitation tool, use it to get in shape, or use it as a supplement to your sport as injury prevention or to enhance performance. Ragne has both seen and felt the many benefits of Pilates.

Her Pilates journey reached a peak during her time at Pilates Fitness Institute, in Perth, Australia. She finished her Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction, which qualifies her to teach in all the awesome (and a little scary looking) apparatus, and she was a member of the PFI family for most of her time in Perth. There are so many great experiences and new-gained knowledge to bring back to Sandefjord!